Episode 116: Using Video To Become Visible, First For Herself And Then To Help Others with Rachel Freemon Sowers

career May 16, 2021

"Authenticity is the daily practice of letting go of who we think we're supposed to be and embracing who we are." - Brené Brown

Showing up as your own authentic self can be difficult and, for some people, who fear they won’t be accepted in doing so, it can take a long time to  step into who they are and be passionate in living their truth. 

In this week’s episode, I chat with Rachel Freemon Sowers, a video visionary and strategist, who calls herself a Video Vixen Because she helps entrepreneurs show up in front of a camera to connect with their audience and be present to the people they serve.

Rachel shares her own story as a gay woman who hid her own identity for years. Her vulnerability and passion to live authentically is so inspirational and now she encourages other people to show up, shine their own light and step into their own true self so they can live their best life.

To learn more about Rachel Freemon Sowers and her work, just go to:

Website: https://www.rachelfreemonsowers.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rachelfreemonsowers/ 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rachelfreemonsowers/

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCl264v_gjUeRZwLJYDN3Niw 


If you'd like to connect or reach out to ME, you can find me at:

 Website: www.notyouraveragegrandma.com 

Facebook: www.facebook.com/LaurieColvinWright 

Instagram: www.instagram.com/not_your_average_grandma

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