About Me

About Me


I love to laugh and sprinkle around positivity as often as possible. I’m an extrovert and get energy from being around people, whether they are strangers or friends. And I'm a big hugger! 🤗

One of my most important and favorite roles is that of mom. I have two incredible, grown daughters who I’ve been lucky enough to parent, two wonderful sons-in-law, and six precious grandchildren, 4 boys and 2 girls.

I’m also blessed to be married to my soul mate, who shares my love of life & laughter. I married him at age 50 but met him when I was 18! (That's a whole other story!!!)

I’m an avid sports fan who, during football season, plans weekends around UVA and Washington Football Team football. (Good thing I focus on the positive because my teams tend to struggle!)

I’m also a big fan of “March Madness" (Go UVA!!!) and let me not forget World Cup soccer AND the Olympics! I think it’s something about the Star Spangled Banner playing... And the fact that these players have reached the pinnacle of success for all of their hard work.

The good news: my husband shares my sports obsession!!!

Another factoid: I’m a big fan of competition reality tv shows like The Voice, American Idol, Survivor, the Amazing Race, and So You Think You Can Dance, although I’ve never voted for any contestants. Truth be told - I can't carry a tune & I have two left feet, but I love music and secretly wish I had the talent to compete at that level. Maybe in my next life!!!

The majority of my professional career (30+ years) has been working at really cool technology companies, leading large project teams. I spent an amazing 13 years at AOL where my hard work elevated me to the ranks of Vice President.

At age 55, a personal transformation led me to a new opportunity where I saw exciting possibility. I began training as a coach, which, as I like to put it, “lit my soul on fire!”

Kind of crazy to think that something I love so much happened so late in life, but I’m here as your best example that it’s never too late to find work that makes your heart happy.

I love helping empty nesters, who feel lost and passionless after their kids have left, find renewed passion & purpose so that their second half is their best half.

I am now a certified Master NeuroCoach, trained in a brain-based, science-backed method which I use to help my clients remove blocks in their brain that are holding them back and replace them with new neuro pathways that will make their goals easier and faster to achieve.

I am the host of the Living Your Sparked Second Half podcast and The Second Half SPARK School, both of which are platforms developed to inspire & instigate midlife transformations.

I've made inspiring empty nesters to live their best lives my mission because I wish I had had someone to help me navigate more quickly to my place of passion. But I believe I walked that journey so I could be where I am today helping others.

Last but not least, I live in the beautiful state of Virginia, the best place in the country to experience all four seasons. Just when you are sick of one, another is right around the corner.

Hugs & Heartwinks


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