Episode 344: Is Your Voice Turning People On or Off?

Uncategorized Jul 14, 2023

Did you know that within 7 seconds of hearing you talk, the person's subconscious who is listening to you decides whether to tune you out or lean in to hear more?! Pretty remarkable, eh?

This and so much more is what I've been learning over the past 10 weeks from a voice coaching program I'm taking. It's such high-value training that everyone would benefit from, but most will never receive.

We all talk. We all use our voice to communicate a message in some way. But we have no idea the people we are talking to are judging us subconsciously based more on HOW we are USING our words vs. WHAT the words are.

This means your limiting beliefs and whatever basic human need you are seeking most is evident in the way you USE YOUR VOICE!!! 

It's pretty incredible when you have a voice savant notice something very subtle in the way you said a sentence that you had no idea was an issue!!! The clues are everywhere!

Listen in as I share 4 voice mistakes I've been making that indicate my highest subconscious need of seeking value (aka wanting to be liked).

I've become aware of this subconscious need from a couple of breakthroughs I've had over the past year, but I had no idea they were surfacing in my voice!

If this is your highest human need, it's likely you are doing these 4 things too. (I explain the human needs and how they drive our subconscious thoughts and behavior in Episode 336 "Which of the 3 Core Needs Drive You Most".)

If you'd like to hear my interview with my voice coach, Tracy Goodwin, you can find it HERE. It was Episode 8, one of my very first episodes, back in February of 2020!

If you learned something from this episode, please leave a review and let me know how it helped you. And so you don't miss any upcoming episodes, make sure you are subscribed to the podcast.

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