Episode 349: Inspiring Others With Her New Skill Of Ventroliquism at Age 71, with Elaine Ambrose

career Aug 01, 2023

Today’s guest is Elaine Ambrose, a true embodiment of resilience. First off, Elaine is a bestselling author and has authored an impressive collection of 12 books, 14 eBooks, and 4 audiobooks, and her writing has been recognized with prestigious national awards in humor, memoir, and children’s literature.

But what’s even more impressive is what Elaine has been able to accomplish in the past 9 months after her life took an unexpected turn when she experienced a heart attack while out of the country at a speaking event. Unable to continue her webinars and speaking engagements due to shortness of breath after her health crisis, she found an innovative way to share her message with the world through ventriloquism.

In this episode, Elaine and I talked about:

  • How a health crisis impacted her livelihood overnight.
  • How she came upon ventriloquism to fend off boredom as she was recuperating.
  • How her newly acquired skill has provided a new way to share her message.
  • The power of a positive attitude and humor to heal your heart and your life.

In this heartfelt conversation, Elaine shares valuable wisdom about finding joy and purpose in unexpected places. Her story is a testament to the human spirit and its ability to adapt and flourish even in challenging circumstances. 

This episode is sure to inspire you to explore more unconventional paths that you may not have considered or thought possible, as well as give you a renewed appreciation for life and the unknown future that you never can predict. At 71 years old, Elaine is a great example of how seemingly insurmountable obstacles can bring new and fulfilling opportunities late in life.

Other ways to find and connect with Elaine are:

Website: https://elaineambrose.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/elaineambrose/ 

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYHATrU8LsGYXJ5ZaUQ4NYg 

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/elaine.ambrose 

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