EP48: How Her Quest to Become a Mom Led To Amazing and Unexpected Opportunities with Liz Melville

EP48: Have you ever wanted something so bad and through the process of going after that dream, an even better dream than you imagined unfolded for you? 

Well, THAT is what happened to my guest, Liz Melville. She had an all-consuming job and got to the point where she felt that if she wanted to become a mom, she had to quit.

When Liz found herself marrying later in life and unable to  get pregnant, she knew something had to give so she chose to make having a baby, her #1 priority. As she faced an unknown road ahead with infertility, she took advantage of an "exit" package when her company restructured and went ALL IN with IVF treatments. 

During this time she dabbled a bit as an entrepreneur with a seemingly, "knowing" mentality that she was meant for bigger & better things and that she would figure it out.

Once she became a mom, her focus became figuring out a way to be with her son while also finding a way to build a business from home.. So her goal shifted from wanting to become a mom to being the best and most present mom which meant creating a new income stream that would allow her to do that.

Today she is the 51 year old mom of a 9 year son and has the freedom to do whatever she wants whenever she wants. She is living the dream life she imagined as she was going thru those difficult infertility treatments and now gets to focus on her family while running a very successful home-based business.

Liz is a highly regarded Facebook ads and Launch strategist, with over 9 years experience in promoting brands and businesses online. She's done major deals, has clientele that includes some of the biggest names on Facebook, and handles multi-seven figure campaigns, something she never thought possible!

Listen as she shares her story about how she turned her skills and knowledge into a career that perfectly fits her dream lifestyle.


To check out her other works, you can find her here: Website: https://lizmelville.com/ 

Podcast: https://lizmelville.com/podcast 

Facebook: https://facebook.com/lizmelvillesm 

Instagram: https://instagram.com/the_lizmelville


I'm always looking for interesting guests so if you have a great midlife transformation to share or know of someone who does, let's connect!


If you'd like to connect or reach out to ME, you can find me at:

Website: https://www.notyouraveragegrandma.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LaurieColvinWright/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/not_your_average_grandma/
Youtube: www.youtube.com/c/NotYourAverageGrandma


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