Episode 31: My Long Journey To Creating My Own Online Business

career May 27, 2020

Going back to where it all started! Sharing with you the story of my career from being a college dropout, waiting tables to entering the corporate world and actually becoming a Vice President at America Online (AOL). It may sound enticing with the fancy title and attractive salary but I would always find myself comparing my achievement to others and feeling less than instead of realizing my infinite potential which I now know exists in every human being.

I thought that by sharing the looooong path I took to get to where I am today and the choices I made in my journey, I'd inspire some listeners who think they may be too old to start something new. It's my story of never giving up on finding work I'm passionate about - work that makes me truly happy at my core and gives me purpose I've never known in any other professional job I've had before.

Starting a business is not as hard as you may think, especially in this day and age. I am proof it is possible when you don't have a clue but...

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Episode 30: How A Dying Pet Changed Its Owner’s Future

“Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened.” – Anatole France

Losing a pet is one of the most painful feelings a pet owner can experience. Some would even say it is even worse than losing a human. 

For Wendy Van de Poll, losing her dog Marley to a tragic tumor was extremely difficult, but a life-changing one, in ways that are beyond normal logic.

Marley encouraged Wendy to follow her true calling -- pet hospice and animal mediumship. She then became a certified end-of-life and pet loss grief coach and opened Center for Pet Loss Grief which offers complete and intuitive heart based support for people who are either losing a pet, are dealing with the loss of a pet, and animal mediumship services for those that would like to know more about their pet in the afterlife.

In this episode, you gain a better understanding of how Wendy was led to her true...

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EP22: Part 1: How A Chiropractor Is Transforming Her Business & Leaving Her Comfort Zone To Connect With Her Patients Virtually with Dr. Eileen Whelan

career health Apr 12, 2020

(Part I): At age 56, Dr. Eileen Whelan is more passionate about what she does than ever before and now she is transforming the business she has run with her husband for over 30 years by taking her important message online.

She realized that the Coronavirus pandemic was her opportunity to learn the virtual medium as a platform to connect not only with her current patients but to others who need encouragement and the positive message about how to live The 100 Year Lifestyle.

Learn about how Dr. Eileen got started, why spinal adjustments are key to optimizing your overall health and why the 100 Year Lifestyle is so important to living a quality rest of your life in this two part interview!


To learn more about Dr. Eileen, you can check her online pages below:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Orange-Chiropractic-Family-Fitness-143446602354168/ 

Website: https://www.orangechiro.net/ 


If you'd like to connect with me, you can find me at:

Facebook: ...

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EP22: Part 1: How A Chiropractor Is Transforming Her Business & Leaving Her Comfort Zone To Connect With Her Patients Virtually with Dr. Eileen Whelan

career health Apr 12, 2020

(Part II): Welcome to the second part of my interview with Dr. Eileen Whelan. If you haven't listened to Part 1, do that first before listening to this episode.

In this episode, we continue to talk about how lifestyle and the choices you make will benefit you in the long run. Dr. Eileen discusses the basic tenets of the 100 Year Lifestyle and we get into a more personal conversation about how we ended up working together.


To learn more about Dr. Eileen, you can check her online pages below:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Orange-Chiropractic-Family-Fitness-143446602354168/  

Website: https://www.orangechiro.net/ 


If you'd like to connect with me, you can find me at:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LaurieColvinWright/ 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/not_your_average_grandma/ 

Website: https://www.notyouraveragegrandma.com/ 

Youtube: www.youtube.com/c/NotYourAverageGrandma 


I'm always...

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EP17: How the Practice of Yoga Nidra Saved This Mom with Lane Kennedy

career health Mar 15, 2020

Lane Kennedy shares her experience with Yoga Nidra and how it saved her life a few years ago when she was ready to end it all. To Lane, the Yoga Nidra practice is the deepest, most profound, form of meditation she has yet to experience. 

It has given her freedom -- freedom from overthinking, freedom to rest, and the space to allow more love into her life. 

Because it has helped her so much, it's become her mission to freely share meditation with everyone. She is honored with helping others tame the mind, destress, eliminate anxiety and sleep more deeply.

Website link: https://lanekennedy.com/

Link to Lane's online meditation offerings:


If you'd like to connect or reach out to ME, you can find me at:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LaurieColvinWright/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/not_your_average_grandma/
Website: ...

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EP16: Learn What Led a Nurse Anesthetist to Become a Hypnotist with Penny Chiasson

career health Mar 09, 2020

The book I mention early in the episode is called: "Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Life Between Lives" by Michael Newton (Click on the book title to find it on Amazon.)

Penny Chiasson is an award winning professional hypnotist, 2-time #1 International best-selling author, and certified professional hypnosis instructor. She is a former nurse anesthetist who became interested in hypnosis after attending training while researching pain management.

Penny initially signed up for hypnotist training out of curiosity and to further her knowledge to help her in her nursing career, but left the training deeply convicted in sharing what she had learned. She became a specialist in pain management hypnosis and authored a #1 International best-selling book, Breaking the Fibro Code. Penny has become an expert in assisting entrepreneurs through 1:1 sessions in releasing subconscious subconscious blocks that lead to indecision, procrastination and distractions preventing their best level of...

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EP13: A retreat in a Canadian forest led to her midlife spiritual awakening with Linda Babulic

career spirituality Mar 01, 2020

Today’s guest is Linda Babulic who shares her interesting story of spiritual transformation. Although she was raised a Catholic, she had a deep desire to explore the non-denominational spiritual world. At midlife, after years of working as a corporate trainer and raising her children, a lunchtime conversation with a friend led to a week long spiritual quest in a Canadian forest that changed the trajectory of her life. As she nears her 70th birthday, her passion and wisdom are evident. I hope her story inspires you to as Linda says “Zest Your Life.”

Learn more about Linda on her website here: Linda Babulic

Let's connect on social media! 

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EP15: On the verge of a 2nd divorce, she realized she was the common denominator in her failed relationships with Nasrin Barbic

On this episode, I interview Nasrin Barbic, who after two divorces found herself having to rebuild and transform her entire life. Now, she is a certified life coach, hypnotherapist, Reiki Master, and founder of Pathway to Lasting Joy. She helps professional women reclaim their feminine power and self-confidence so they can manage their life with more joy and ease.

Learn more about Nasrin's here: Pathway to Lasting Joy

Let's connect on social media! 

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EP10: How a childhood passion of living in France was realized at age 55 with Christine Camm

career Feb 24, 2020

In this episode, I interview Christine Camm whose passion began at the age of 11 after taking a French class. At age 55, she realized her life passion was to live in France. Listen in, as Christine enthusiastically shares her journey. Her happiness and love of life are truly uplifting!

Let's connect on social media! 

*REMINDER! I'm hosting a contest to celebrate my podcast launch! You can enter right now by simply rating and subscribing to this podcast. Then, send me a screenshot of your rating to [email protected] and you'll be entered to win a variety of prizes. I'll be announcing winners on 2/29!

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Episode 9: My 3 midlife transformations in love, career, and health

In my latest episode, I'm my own guest! I thought my experiences over the past 13 years would help illuminate why I'm so passionate about midlife transformations, I've had them in all 3 big categories of life: love, health, and career. Being a sports fan, I'd say that's the best kind of Hat Trick of all!

Let's connect on social media! 

*REMINDER! I'm hosting a contest to celebrate my podcast launch! You can enter right now by simply rating and subscribing to this podcast. Then, send me a screenshot of your rating to [email protected] and you'll be entered to win a variety of prizes. I'll be announcing winners on 2/29!

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