Episode 122: At Midlife And Loveless? Lessons From The Love Coach Junie Moon

I had a great conversation with Junie Moon, The Love Coach, who teaches women in midlife how to magnetize their ideal partner and experience Next Level Love. With Junie’s unique heart-centered dating strategies, coupled with some powerful mindset tools that helped her magnetize the love of her own life, she helps women learn to embrace this precious stage of life with confidence, playfulness and ease.

Junie is also an award-winning international speaker, Best-selling author of Loving the Whole Package: Shed the Shame and Live Life Out Loud, director/producer of the film Shed the Shame, host of the podcast Midlife Love Out Loud and a Certified Shadow Work®️ Facilitator.

After years of walking on eggshells in her marriage, afraid to be her true self, eating tons of food and hitting 200 pounds, she shared her breakthrough. How she found herself, her voice, her life and then finally finding her new love partner as well as letting go of 50 pounds and keeping them off 18 years! Listen to this episode as she shares her fearless story about her love life and discovering her true purpose.

Junie believes that healing is possible and we can begin again with new eyes and create the life we desire and deserve.

The midlife love guide to successful dating go to: coachjuniemoon.com/loveguide 

If you want to learn more about Junie and her work, you can go to:
Website: coachjuniemoon.com   
Facebook: facebook.com/lovecoachjuniemoon/ 
Instagram: instagram.com/lovecoachjuniemoon 
Youtube: youtube.com/channel/UCflI1ts0J4gZ0ur6YOfav1A 

If you'd like to connect or reach out to ME, you can find me at:

Website: www.notyouraveragegrandma.com  
Facebook: www.facebook.com/LaurieColvinWright  
Instagram: www.instagram.com/not_your_average_grandma  
Youtube: www.youtube.com/c/NotYourAverageGrandma 


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