Episode 125: Does Your Environment Allow You To Thrive?

Today's episode was inspired by a training my friend and mentor Alex Paulos did inside my Second Half S.P.A.R.K. School™ this past week.

He spoke of how many of us are withering in the environments we are living in and we must look for ways to create an environment we can THRIVE in.

It was quite powerful and it led me to the realization that when you are thriving, you feel abundant. And when you are withering, you are more likely to be focused on the lack in your life.


So of course I had to share this aha moment with you!

So where are you in life? Are you thriving or withering? And if the latter, what can you do about it?

Create an ARTIFICIAL ENVIRONMENT where you CAN thrive, like the coconut tree analogy I shared!

It's time to ask yourself:

  • Who are you surrounded by? Who can you find to help you thrive?
  • What are you doing? What behaviors are contributing to this withering state?
  • Who are you being? Tune into the different feelings inside when placed in different situations. Think about the situation I shared and how my friend noticed I was "glowing" because she caught me being my true authentic self. To this day, I remember that feeling and know I denied it for too long.

If you'd like to listen to my interview with Alex and hear about what he does to help people discover their innate personalities, check out Episode 57

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