Episode 200: [Activating Abundance #47] With Change

As I watch my students inside the Second Half S.P.A.R.K. School™ making huge changes, which I find so inspiring, I thought that change would make an excellent topic today.

I found two recent examples of change in my life. One is very recent and something I took on this past week. Another is one I am contemplating but haven't made yet.

The first example exemplifies my first point: Change is hard! (at first!) I share how I experienced that firsthand and talk about what happened when I stuck it out, even though it was not easy. And how the hard was so worth it!

The second example highlights my second point: We tend to view change through the lens of our past experiences and what we *think* will happen and fail to see the change as something that could be way better than we can even conjure up - because it's hard to imagine what we haven't yet experienced! Makes total sense, right?!

If you enjoy episodes, like this, where I share topics and examples about change, send me an email at [email protected] and let me know. I'm considering various topics to use for my next 12 month series that will be starting in April. So if this topic resonates with you and it inspired you to want to enact some kind of change, I'd love to hear from you.

Don't forget to leave reviews on the episodes you love so we can bring you the topics you love most!  #activatingabundance #notyouraveragelivespodcast


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