Episode 299: When the Impossible Becomes Possible, With Denise Hughes and Karen Hill

Uncategorized Feb 06, 2023

What incredible stories these two ladies have as a result of going deep into their limiting beliefs and what was holding them back from truly living their best lives. They are a testament to the quote "Change Your Thinking. Change Your Life"

Denise Hughes is a nurse who was miserable and spoke such mean things to herself. She shares the kind of self-talk that she told herself every day all day and it's not something that would make you feel positive!

She was unhappy in her job and was suffering from long Covid when she joined The Second Half SPARK School and her negative thoughts were seriously impacting her life.

Karen Hill, a recently retired grandmother of 12, admits she has a habit of overthinking, which she now knows is making decisions from her logical brain and ignoring want her heart wants.

They both have powerful stories about how they overcame the thoughts that were driving them subconsciously, leaving them with lives that didn't leave them feeling very happy inside.

Denise shares her unexpected health journey and how she believes rewiring her brain from a negative to a positive mindset not only changed her medical outcome but helped attract all of the dreams she didn't think were possible when she first wrote them down.

Karen shares how attending 4 of my free trainings before making the jump into the Second Half SPARK School made enough of an impact on her that she believe a deeper transformation was possible. She shares the story of creating a vision board during one of my trainings that led to the realization of a goal once she entered the school and stopped letting logic run her life.

If their stories are intriguing and you'd like to learn more about what The Second Half SPARK School is, CLICK HERE to get all of the details.

Enrollment is only open for 4 short days, from Monday, 2/6 through Thursday, 2/9.

If you'd like to connect or reach out to ME, you can find me at:

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