Living Your Sparked Second Half Podcast | Episode 328

Episode 328: The 5 Roles that Keep People Stuck in Mediocre

mindset May 17, 2023

In today’s episode I'm sharing not just FIVE but SIX roles I've identified that affect how we show up and play the game of life, and these identities tell us a lot about whether we are happy and fulfilled or whether we are stuck and setting for a mediocre existence.

A couple of years ago, when I was getting certified as a Master Neurocoach, I learned that our behaviors are tied to the roles and identities we operate from in life.

It was that lightbulb moment when I realized there were specific roles I had played in my past that had kept me stuck in a very passionless and unfulfilling existence, after my kids, who were a big part of my fulfillment for 20 years left home. And I started to see a pattern of behaviors in older women who I was coaching who felt stuck like I had been.

After observing various behaviors and noticing specific patterns around those behaviors, I was able to identify 5 different roles that keep us from taking the action that will get us unstuck, as well as a 6th role that has certain behaviors that, if you adopt, get you unstuck and out of mediocre, leaving you happy and fulfilled - probably better than you've ever felt before.

So if you're feeling like something's missing, like there's more life to live than how you're living it right now, this is a must-listen-to episode.

There's no more time to be wasting in mediocrity! It's time to invest your time more wisely into learning how to get unstuck!!!

If you'd like to take my quiz, CLICK HERE to do that now.

If you'd like to get on the waitlist for my upcoming "Awaken Your Inner Spark," CLICK HERE. (There will be 3 pre-recorded trainings released daily starting at 6am on Tuesday, 5/30. Get ready to be awakened and out of the mediocre and less-than-you-desire life!)

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