Episode 335: Returning to What She Loved Most Blossomed Into a Passionate and Lucrative Business, With Bonny Snowdon

mindset Jun 13, 2023

Today’s guest is Bonny Snowdon, an accomplished Colored Pencil Artist and artists' mentor from North Yorkshire. With a somewhat incongruous background in corporate Britain and International Business coaching, Bonny shares her journey of rediscovering creativity, overcoming adversity, and finding success as an artist and mentor.

She describes the pivotal moment in 2016 when she rekindled her love for art after a hiatus of 30 years. The joy and fulfillment she experienced led her to embrace her artistic passion once again. Just a year after rediscovering her creativity, Bonny took the leap and became a full-time artist. She shares the inspiration behind this decision and the impact her artwork had on others.

In this episode, Bonny and I talked about:

  • The story of how she reignited her passion for art after three decades 
  • The evolution of her transformative journey as she rediscovered her creativity while navigating the challenging process of divorce
  • How realigning with her innate gifts and internal love of drawing has turned into an incredibly lucrative business.

Bonny candidly discusses her experience of surviving mental abuse and how art became her sanctuary and source of healing. She highlights how the return to what she truly loved was the impetus for rediscovering herself, rebuilding her confidence and giving her the strength to break free from a toxic environment.

Now, through her mentoring and expertise, Bonny not only helps artists improve their technical skills but also nurtures their creativity and encourages them to find their artistic spark. She believes that “It's never too late to find what you were put on earth to do.”

Other ways to find and connect with Bonny are:

Website: www.bonnysnowdonacademy.com

Facebook: www.facebook.com/bonnysnowdonacademy

Instagram: www.instagram.com/bonnysnowdonacademy

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