Episode 348: Why It’s Better To Not Know

mindset Jul 28, 2023

We all want certainty! We are human. Certainty gives us comfort. Uncertainty is scary because it's outside of our comfort zone!

But if you want to live the most magical life, you have to take chances and plod into a world of being ok with not knowing a particular outcome.

And that is what this episode is all about!

I share examples of things that happened in my life that I most likely would not have done had I known the outcome and why I am so glad I didn't know and did them anyway.

I also share a funny story from my college days and something a roommate did that ensured she knew a particular outcome and how I tried it and it totally backfired. And I tell you what knowing an outcome will "steal" from you.

Maybe, after listening to this episode, you'll become aware of an action or a goal you've been stalling on because you're afraid you won't get the outcome you desire... and maybe, you'll be inspired to take the plunge anyway, trusting that you'll end up with an outcome that's even better and just what you need!

If you learned something from this episode, please leave a review and let me know how it helped you. And so you don't miss any upcoming episodes, make sure you are subscribed to the podcast.

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