Episode 351: Find New Purpose Using a Paintbrush, with Dr. Clarissa Castillo-Ramsey

career mindset Aug 08, 2023

Today’s guest is Dr. Clarissa Castillo-Ramsey, an abstract artist, transformational coach for creatives, author, podcaster, and organizational psychologist whose mission is all about helping creatives design a life on their terms. Her expertise lies at the intersection of leadership development, creativity, and wellness.

During our conversation, we delved into Dr. Clarissa's framework which empowers individuals to 'paint their path.' Through her various events like Employee to Creative Entrepreneur and The Creative Abundant Leadership Summit, she has guided countless aspiring creative entrepreneurs in experiencing their own breakthroughs, supporting them in their journey to design their next chapter outside the corporate world.

In this episode, Dr. Clarissa and I talked about:

  • How she unlocked her creativity that led her to a more fulfilling and purposeful life
  • How intuition played a part in her business and writing a book
  • Practical tips for embracing creativity and breaking free from conventional molds.

Listen in to hear Dr. Clarissa’s insights on how to break free from what you think you should do, and instead embrace your creative side to create a life that aligns with your passions.

Other ways to find and connect with Dr. Clarissa are:

Website: clarissastudio.com 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dr.clarissacastilloramsey 

FB group: www.facebook.com/groups/paintingyourpath/ 

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