Episode 352: 6 Lies You May Be Telling Yourself

mindset Aug 11, 2023

Our inner chatter is constant and so much of it is negative, unhelpful, and UNTRUE!

And what I've learned from helping so many women over 50 is that we, as a collective group, tell ourselves the same damn lies.

Call them myths, unhelpful thoughts, or LIES but the fact of the matter is that continuing to tell yourself these things will not move you to make any positive changes and get you the happier life you desire.

So the first step is to recognize what you are saying to yourself and acknowledge that many of them are not true - even if you think they are, I want you to consider the possibility that they aren't. And know that if others just like you had the same unhelpful thoughts and discovered them to not be true for them, that is evidence that they are likely not true for you too.

If you are feeling stuck, consider the possibility that this chatter is just nonsense and is the biggest contributor to why you feel the way you do and then get curious.

Think about what could happen in your life if these things actually weren't true and you could create better internal chatter that would motivate and inspire you.

Let this episode be the instigator of change! Recognize which of these lies you are telling yourself and start being aware of how often you say them to yourself and how they affect your emotions and actions. 

Remember: Awareness is the first step to positive change!

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