Living Your Sparked Second Half Podcast | Episode 387

Episode 387: My Hottest Tip For Success On Your 2024 Resolutions

mindset Jan 14, 2024

Today I want to talk about my hottest tip for success on your 2024 resolutions and it's based on my personal experiences with setting and achieving goals.

There is ONE SURE THING I've found to be the magical component that helps me stay focused and guarantees I'll achieve a goal. I have proof of this in hitting two big goals I set that I share in this episode.

But in both instances, I didn't just achieve the goal I had set, I KILLED IT! I had more success than I thought possible and found myself accomplishing tasks and getting results I didn't know I was capable of.

I break this conversation into two parts, first talking about the tip and the 3 reasons why, if you don't apply it, you'll likely give up on the pursuit of your resolutions, and then I share how I'm using it for one of my big 2024 resolutions and how this resolution may involve you.

If you are serious about your new year's resolutions, aka goals, and you don't want to fail, this is a must-listen episode. This tip, as you'll hear in my examples, changed my life - TWICE! And I know it can change yours!!!

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