Living Your Sparked Second Half Podcast | Episode 393

Episode 393: Tap Into Your Creativity By Capturing Memories

mindset Feb 22, 2024

In today’s episode, I dive deep into the realm of creativity by sharing a recent creative project I completed that brought me unexpected joy.

Understanding the tendency many of us have to disregard our creative spirit in the busy, time-crunched world we live in, I emphasize the importance of recognizing our innate creativity, which often lies dormant due to the constant bombardment of information and responsibilities we face in our day-to-day lives. 

I talk about:

  • The idea that instigated a creative project I embarked on over the holidays, and why I was inspired to do something I had never done.
  • The multiple benefits it brought and why my project is something everyone should do.
  • How I was inspired to run a 4 week Creativity Challenge with a small group of women, for accountability, where we select and complete our own individual creative project.

As I unveil the details of my chosen project, let my actions inspire YOU to begin your own creative project. Maybe you’ll choose a similar project or, perhaps, after listening, a different idea will come to you. 

Have you been thinking about a creative project, but it hasn’t gotten to the doing stage yet? Let this podcast episode be a sign that it’s time to take action on that great idea. The benefits await you! It’s time to let your inner creativity shine!!!

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