EP4: From Filmmaker to Mom on a Mission when traditional school was failing her daughter with Julia Black

career Feb 13, 2020

 Although Julia isn’t my typical guest who is sharing a story of midlife transformation, I really wanted to bring her story to my listeners because this is a subject that is near & dear to my heart.

For those of you who have a child struggling in school or life, please take the time to listen to her interesting story. I believe it's our responsibility to our children (and our grandchildren!), to make sure they are lit up about life. How are you positively influencing the education of the children in your lives, even if they are adults?

Check out Julia's website here: Explorium

Let's connect on social media! 

*REMINDER! I'm hosting a contest to celebrate my podcast launch! You can enter right now by simply rating and subscribing to this podcast. Then, send me a screenshot of your rating to [email protected] and you'll be entered to win a variety of prizes. I'll be announcing winners on 2/29!


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