Not Your Average Lives Podcast | Episode 68

Episode 68: Finding Clarity In Your Sleep: Tips From Louis Wilson, A Spiritual Entrepreneur

spirituality Nov 01, 2020

"So many things in my life that I had thought were impossible became possible. WHY? because I started trying, I had to, I had no choice, when you feel as though you have lost everything you suddenly have NOTHING TO LOSE!

So I stopped worrying about the consequences, the "what if's" and really started living."

Strong and inspirational words from my latest guest, Louise Wilson. She is a Mystic, Healer, Entrepreneur and Business Coach and has over 30 years experience in consulting, finance, spirituality, and business having launched her own retail store, retreat center, and coaching and healing practice.

Having gone through multiple major shifts in her life, she found herself letting go of her fears and started her journey on spiritual path and self-discovery. From struggling with Dyslexia at a young age, to having separated from her first husband and working at a job that she didn't love, Louise had her back against the wall and realized there's nothing to lose so she decided to stop worrying and just go for her dreams and stop settling.

Don't ever settle - a concept Louise and I both believe very strongly in. I’m sure this episode will get you, if you aren’t yet doing so, to start noticing the nudges from the universe.

She also gave some valuable tips on how to gain clarity by interpreting your dreams.


Solve Any Problem While You're Sleeping! Click this link:

Book mentioned in the episode: Journey of Souls by Michael Newton

If you wish to connect with Louise and see more of her work:

If you'd like to connect or reach out to ME, you can find me at:


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