Episode 129: The Boomerang Effect

Today I share an example of how quickly the gift of abundance is returned when you are on the giving end. 

Yesterday I stepped into the abundance of TIME and gifted my husband with some of mine, which I don't do enough of - especially in the middle of my very busy work day.

But I had a spontaneous urge to ride with him to a property to pick up one of his real estate signs. Nothing romantic or exciting, just placing my time and attention on him by being his company and doing the driving so he didn't have to.

I decided to make a quick stop on our way back at a cute little country store I love and hadn't visited since before the pandemic. (I promise, it was not a part of my plan until we were almost to our destination!) And what I got from that very quick visit not only made my day but provided me with this valuable lesson to share with you! 

I desired a zucchini and one was handed over as a gift! Yep! A store GAVE ME an item and didn't charge me!!! When was the last time that happened for you?!?!

That is pure abundance in action!!!

I was abundant with my time and I was rewarded with a delicious zucchini!

If I had not been abundant with my time, I would have had to go to the store later, which would have taken MORE time out of my day, and I would have missed this valuable lesson of operating from a state of abundance can do...

So... given that you will likely be rewarded, because the universe loves on us when we're abundant, what kind gesture will you do for someone else today without any expectation, but with a deep and confident knowing, that it will be returned in some way, shape or form?

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