Episode 144: Find Your Gifts and Get Creative

This is a subject I'm super passionate about because what I came to realize late in life is that WE ARE HERE TO USE OUR GIFTS!!! It's why we came here! So finding our gifts is the most important thing we must do in order to live from our most authentic place and serve the world in the best way possible.

And we mustn't confuse our skills with our gifts! There may be parallels but I've found my gifts are more about the actions and behavior I enjoy and not something I'd find in a job description.

Once you know your gifts, then it's time to get creative in how you can use your gifts to help others. Don't say you're not creative like I did!!! You ARE VERY creative! You just aren't accessing source for help...

The Force IS with you so get quiet, spend time in thoughtful solitude, stop the noise around you, and start listening for the signs from the universe that will guide you. Follow what FEELS GOOD even if it doesn't make sense quite yet.

Be open to the possibilities and believe in a power greater than you!

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