Episode 164: [Activating Abundance #31] With Sparketypes

This week's episode is inspired by an upcoming free training I'm doing this coming week. (To sign up, go to https://notyouraveragegrandma.com/spark). 

I'm excited to share Sparketypes with my audience and offer this training since it's something I do with my students in the Second Half S.P.A.R.K. School™ and it's very powerful information to have. 

What you'll get as part of this FREE training:

  • The results of your Sparketypes assessment that reveal the work/activity that, when doing, most fulfills you, as well as the work/activity that most drains you.
  • A 90-minute training that explains the different Sparketypes, why they provide such important value, and how they’ll help you get lit up and excited about life.
  • A workbook with exercises that will guide you in identifying and implementing “sparked” activities immediately in your life.

Learning my Sparketypes made such a huge difference in my life when I first came across them almost 3 years ago. This knowledge helped validate that the career change I was leaning towards was actually the work I came here to do.

If you miss the opportunity to attend my free training this go round, you can go to https://sparketype.com to do the assessment and learn your Sparketypes (Primary, Shadow, and Anti) any time. AND, I'll be doing the free workshop again in December and in January so you can use the same link (https://notyouraveragegrandma.com/spark) to get on the waitlist for the next session.

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If you'd like to connect or reach out to ME, you can find me at:

Website: www.notyouraveragegrandma.com   
Facebook: www.facebook.com/LaurieColvinWright   
Instagram: www.instagram.com/not_your_average_grandma   
Youtube: www.youtube.com/c/NotYourAverageGrandma    

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