Episode 170: [Activating Abundance #34] By Following Your Intuition

In today's episode, I give you a little post-Thanksgiving exercise which came to me from my intuition - a definite nudge from the universe that I followed. I love it when these nudges happen AND I follow them!

I used to always ignore nudges and just stick to my logical plan so I really get a kick out of following them and seeing what the universe delivers. It's always magical and never ceases to amaze me.

I hope you enjoy this short lesson in what to do to help soften the letdown that commonly happens after a big holiday or event that you were looking so forward to and had lots of fun doing. 

Once you finish your assignment, you can move on to Black Friday shopping ;) unless of course, you're an early bird and were waiting in line when stores opened today! And if that's the case, if you're anything like me, you're already feeling better because a little shopping is another great antidote for the post Thanksgiving day blues!!!

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