Episode 178: [Activating Abundance #38] By Creating Your Archetype

In this episode, I share a trick that I learned from one of my mentors:  Create an archetype name and statement to represent the person who has achieved the goals you desire.

I did that and it's really an amazing tactic that works! When I envision myself as my archetype, I feel sooooo abundant, like all is good in the world and all things are possible. No doubts. No fears. No lack thinking.

An archetype is representative of the BE, DO, HAVE model which I explain in this episode. But the gist of that model is that we get stuck in the doing of the current version of ourselves, and for many of us, that version is typically stuck in old habits that won't lead to the success we want. It's not like we need to change who we are because we are all capable of having what we want... but we are playing the role of the stuck version instead of the unstuck version who has the habits that will get us to where we want to go.

We need to BE the version of the person who has achieved her goals BEFORE she's actually achieved them. And by using an archetype, you get to define who that future version of you is and, once you've done that, then you can embody that version of yourself by envisioning the actions that version of you would take.

If you want to learn my archetype name, you'll just have to listen and find out!

And if this episode inspires you to create your archetype, send me a direct message on social media and let me know what it is!

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Website: www.notyouraveragegrandma.com     
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