Not Your Average Lives Podcast | Episode 229

Episode 229: [JFDI #3] Life-Shifting Actions That Led To The Real Me

In this month's episode of my "Just Friggin' Do It" series, I talk about the 4 biggest actions I took that led me closer to the life that I believe I came here to live as the most authentic version of myself.

All of them came from my gut, meaning something deep inside of me pushed me to do them, while my brain was, in most cases, trying to talk me out of them. .

These were actions I had never done and all of these life shifts have happened in the last 16 years of my life, after I finally, at age 47, admitted to myself that I was not living the life I wanted to.

Looking back, I know my gut had been sending me signals of dissatisfaction in both my marriage and my career for a long time, but I ignored them. Then one day I found it more scary to keep living the life I was settling for than to start taking action and figure it out.

Little did I know where it would lead! And little did I know that that confused, empty, unlit version of me was totally misaligned with my authentic self and the person I was supposed to be. 

Now in my 60s, I am finally living from the most authentic version of myself, listening to my gut, and using the gifts I didn't even know I had.

The 4 biggest shifts that ultimately led me to finding the real me, that I share in this episode, are:

  • Reconnecting with an old boyfriend (after years of denying that that love was still very much alive within me)
  • Signing up for my first, high-priced online course (after pushing through the fear that it was way over what I could afford at the time)
  • Finding and hiring a coach who has taught me so much about life and creating the business I never dreamed was possible.
  • Learning my inborn personality and, in so doing, finding a mentor who helped me realize the gifts I was born with. 

And now, with the experience I've gained from this amazing journey to find myself, I get to help other people find out who they are so they can make the rest their best. It is an unbelievable treat that I will be eternally grateful I was able to discover!

So let me ask you, are you acting on your gut instincts or are you letting logic (your brain) make all the decisions? And if the latter, are you feeling like the old me, dissatisfied, empty, and unlit about your life? If so, maybe it's time to lean in, let your gut lead the way, and just friggin' do it!!!

Below are the past episodes I referenced in this episode:

EP29: A Second Chance At Love 27 Years Later
EP124: The Coach That Changed My Life: James Wedmore
EP57: Are You Really Showing Up Authentically With Alex Paulos

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