Episode 237: [JFDI #4] A Long-Delayed Random Act of Kindness Finally Done

In this month's episode of my "Just Friggin' Do It" series, I share a long-dreamed-about random act of kindness that finally came to fruition. You may wonder why it took me so long to do something so wonderful, and that is part of the reason I wanted to do this episode because it is the same question I’ve asked myself.

If I can dissect what held me back, then perhaps my reflections will help you take action on something you’ve been thinking about but not taking action on…

My curiosity about why it took me so long to do this random act of kindness led to the following questions and some answers, which I dive into in this episode:

  • Why did I hold back on taking action on something that kept coming up, even if it was just a simple, random, act of kindness?
  • Why were my feelings more important than the impact of my action?
  • Why did I finally act? What made the difference?

The feeling that I got from doing this was amazing and of course confirmed what I preach and teach: the magic is on the other side of our comfort zones. And that is the truth we all need to keep front and center whenever we procrastinate an idea that keeps coming up!

So let me ask you, have you been stalling on an idea that keeps popping into your head, but you continue to push it away, find excuses not to do it, or talk yourself out of it for no good reason? Can you take a minute to imagine the rewards (aka magic) that action will bring?

If that idea has again appeared in your consciousness as a result of hearing this episode, let this be your call to FINALLY Just Friggin’ Do It!!!

Side note (from mention in intro): Here’s the past episode where I share my first midlife pivot that took place in late 2006: EP29: A Second Chance At Love 27 Years Later

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Facebook: www.facebook.com/LaurieColvinWright      
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Youtube: www.youtube.com/c/NotYourAverageGrandma 

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