Episode 239: The Lesson In Not Getting What You Want

lessons learned series Jul 08, 2022

How many times have you wanted something and not gotten it? And when that happens, what is your reaction? Can you remember a situation recently and how you handled it?

I ask because this recently happened to me. I failed at achieving one of my goals. And THAT led to the inspiration for this episode, as well as a new process I just came up with while brainstorming this subject - the 4 Ws. (I love it when something amazing happens from inspired action!)

In this episode I talk about how I’ve learned to shift my thoughts when I don’t get what I want. I used to dwell on the negative instead of looking for the lessons. But now I’m able to pull myself out of that negative energy so much more quickly. It’s made such a difference and given me so much insight on what I now don’t ever perceive as failures.

I also share a specific example of a failed goal from 4 years ago that turned me towards a completely different path, but ultimately towards a more a more fulfilling life that I now know was the right path, even though I couldn’t see it in the midst of that failure at the time.

Below I’ve listed the 4 Ws that will help you remember what to ask yourself after you experience a situation where you don’t get what you want. Use them to help you move you into a more proactive and positive place instead of a reactive and negative one. 

  • WHAT
  • WINS
  • WHY

To get the specifics of what each W means and the process to go through, tune into the episode!

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