Living Your Sparked Second Half Podcast | Episode 305

Episode 305: The Lesson In Using Your Telepathic Powers (Part 2)

lessons learned series Feb 25, 2023

This is an unexpected episode that I decided to do as a follow-up to last week's Episode 303 in which I shared a fun exercise you can do to test out your telepathic powers using the power of your subconscious mind.

This follow-up was prompted by an actual experience that resulted from one of my students who did this exercise over the past week. It was so fun to read what happened to her as a result of her using her magical abilities! 

Her story PROVES this telepathic capability exists in all of us. And since I know most humans like to see proof before they can believe in this unseen magic, I just have to share her experience.

Then as I was thinking about her experience, I remembered the crazy telepathic story that brought me back together with my husband after breaking up with him 27 years earlier.

Yes! I am sure that telepathy brought us back together!!! And it only took a few short weeks. This story is really crazy but such a great example of how drastically our subconscious minds can change the trajectory of our lives.

Is there someone you want to bring back into your life? Try this exercise and see what happens!

Let me know what you learn by using your built-in telepathic powers!  Send me an email at [email protected] OR direct message me on one of my social media platforms linked up below.

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