Not Your Average Lives Podcast

Episode 426: Capturing the Wisdom of the Century, with Merle Saferstein

career family mindset Dec 05, 2024

Today we welcome back a previous guest, Merle Saferstein, an accomplished expert on legacy building. In this episode, she shares the story behind the development of her latest passion project, “Wisdom of the Century,” a book that captures the life lessons of 90 individuals over the age of 90. 

Merle’s career is a testament to her unwavering commitment to memory, education, and the preservation of personal legacies. She is an author of three impactful books, a prolific journal writer, a facilitator of writing groups, a public speaker, a pioneer in legacy journaling, and even a bereavement volunteer.

Merle and I talked about:

  • How our legacy is not just about financial inheritance or monumental achievements.
  • A behind-the-scenes look at the process she followed and the challenges she overcame to document so many stories and the special kind of expertise each member of her team brought to the experience. 
  • Expert guidance for creating ethical wills and...
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Episode 423: Secrets Revealed and Lessons Gained From the Death of a Loved One

In this solo episode, I talk about my recent experience of going back to the place of my birth, where I spent the first 18 months of my life and many of my summers growing up, to attend a beloved aunt's funeral in Massachusetts and the profound reflections it prompted. 

I share two key lessons, involving some pretty incredible secrets, which everyone needs to hear! You see, my aunt was a secret keeper and I talk about two of the biggest secrets of her life that are juicy enough for a best selling novel. One of her secrets was revealed many years ago, and, as a result, drastically changed the trajectory of someone’s life. 

The other secret was held until her death and now it’s unraveling and will likely have significant emotional consequences for those who are still living.

As you listen to these personal stories about the life-changing choices my aunt made, I hope the lessons I gained and have reflected on inspire you to make time to nurture meaningful...

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Episode 409: How to Deal with Family Estrangement, with Marie Morin

family mindset Jun 14, 2024

Today’s guest is Marie Morin, a licensed therapist, wellness coach, educator, and international best-selling author. Marie shares her wisdom on the complex and often painful topic of family estrangement, offering hope and strategies for healing and reconnection.

Marie, who is also a mother of eight and a YouTube content creator, brings a unique blend of personal and professional experience to the discussion. Her YouTube channel, Morin Holistic Therapy, and her weekly blog provide resources and support for those struggling with strained family relationships.

In this episode, we talked about:

  • Marie's personal journey and professional insights on family dynamics
  • The importance of self-development in the journey toward reconnection
  • Actionable steps to mend and prevent estrangements
  • How important open communication and humility is in relationships

Marie’s passion about family connection shines through as she supports me through my vulnerable share about my estranged...

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Episode 390: Why Won’t My Adult Children Listen (or Talk) To Me? with Renee Langmuir

family mindset Jan 31, 2024

In today’s episode, I'm thrilled to have a returning guest, Renee Langmuir. After I first interviewed her, we decided we had more to talk about so I invited her back for a great topic: parenting adult children! I have a strong suspicion this our conversation will resonate deeply with many who are navigating rocky relationships with their children who are now grown.

Renee, a mother of a daughter and a son, shares her insights from her experiences and includes compelling research that sheds light on the complexities that arise when our children enter adulthood. 

What makes this episode particularly valuable is the diversity in her and my life as young mothers raising children, showcasing the truth that we are all unique with different experiences and backgrounds and how important it is to remember that is true for our children too. 

In this episode, we discuss:

  • The trauma she experienced and how it affected her children in its aftermath.
  • Her determined desire to...
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