Episode 99: How To Improve Your Relationships: 3 Questions To Ponder

family & relationships Mar 18, 2021

In this episode, I share 3 questions that are worth pondering when it comes to your close relationships. They have really helped me in my life so I thought they were worth sharing.

If you want to improve your relationships, listen to this episode, learn about these questions and start being aware of how your actions or non-actions are contributing to the strain you may be facing in a particular relationship you have.

Question 1: What compliments are you NOT saying but are thinking? Start verbalizing these little things. They are gifts!

Question 2: What are you expecting in return when you do something for someone? Are there strings attached? What about letting go of those expectations?

Question 3: What message are you sending non-verbally that they could be interpreting negatively? What would you look like if you had a mirror on you?

I'd love to hear what happens to your relationships once you start applying the simple tactics behind these questions so check back in and let me...

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Episode 98: The Fearless Family Who Gave Up Everything For The Italian Life with Lisa & Sam Chiodo (Part 2)

This is the Part 2 of my fun conversation with Lisa and Sam Chiodo. In this segment, we talk all about Italy and I was excited to share some of my memories of a 2012 trip to Tuscany with my husband, 2 globe-trotting friends, and my recently engaged daughter and her fiance. I must say, this was a fantastic trip down the memory lane!

If you missed Part 1, check it out here.

In this second segment, it was interesting to learn more about how the couple uprooted their family and immersed themselves in a very different environment where there were massive cultural and language differences.

It gives us the sense that, although we come from different places and speak different languages, we are all so similar and connected. And it also made me realize that when we hear of stories like Lisa's and Sam's, it inspires us to explore different people and cultures more. I'm not sure about you, but I'm ready for another Italian adventure!!!

If you'd like to check out the paid workshop we talked...

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Episode 97: The Fearless Family Who Gave Up Everything For The Italian Life with Lisa & Sam Chiodo (Part 1)

What a fun episode!!! I got to chat with Lisa Chiodo and although totally unplanned and unexpected, her husband popped in and joined our conversation. That's what happens when you see people having fun - you want to join in!!!

Although Lisa had visited Italy in her younger years before marriage and had even had a little internal nudging that she wanted to live there, it wasn't until she and her husband were at a seminar, and the speaker asked the audience what they really wanted to do with their life, that the idea took shape.

When that question came, they both leaned forward at the same time looking at each other and said "ITALY!" Then they went home, had the Australian equivalent of what we call a garage sale in the U.S. and sold all of their belongings, packed their clothes and their 2 young children, ages 1 and 3, and moved to Italy - for the first time.

At age 41, Lisa, along with her husband Sam and their children, uprooted their life and moved to a brand new country, without a...

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Episode 92: Dropping Everything, Death, and Diffusing - A Conversation About Doing What You Need To Do While Also Doing What You Love with Amber Lawrence

In this episode, I get to catch up with a friend so it's a bit different than most of my interviews. We cover a lot of topics, some sad and some happy. But that's life, right?! We never know when a phone call will change everything, and that's what happened to my guest Amber Lawrence, in late 2019.

You'll learn a lot about Amber, who opens up about dropping everything to make sure her mom was taken care of in her last days, while also running her online business as an Essential Oils Expert.

Amber is proof that you CAN make massive adjustments quickly to adapt to the curve balls life throws at you. And you'll hear how she's currently living a minimalist lifestyle, traveling around the US in her RV with her husband and 2 Dachshunds! How cool is that?!

I met Amber back in my Beachbody Coaching days and she lit up my online "challenge" group with so much energy and spunkiness. I loved her from the get-go!!!

And as I got to know her better, I learned she had a deep love of essential...

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Episode 90: Inspiration From 3 Sparked Second Half Souls with Kim Jarzinsky, Sandy Stalmach, and Janice Lee

For the first time, I have three guests on at once! And what fun it was!!! They are women who I've gotten to know very well over the past 3 months as they just recently graduated from my Second Half S.P.A.R.K. School.

Today's episode is a conversation with Kim Jarzinsky, Sandy Stalmach, and Janice Lee who shared their experience over the past 90 days as they transformed from stuck, passionless, and in some cases, very depressed, empty nesters into Sparked Second Half Souls, now living from a very lit up place and more connected to who they are than they've been in a long time.

Listen in as they look back on their biggest AHA moments, key turning points and self discoveries from their recent transformational experience now that they've stepped into who they are meant to be.

They also talk about how valuable the support system was to their growth and how much they learned from the like-minded sisterhood and the friendships that developed through the process all because they finally...

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Episode 81: A Mom's Wish: Breaking The Cycle With The Next Generation with Dara Salas

A single mom driven by a dream to have a different life for her son, one with a better foundation than the broken one she experienced herself as a child. This week’s guest, Dara Salas, set out to improve the odds of winning, by learning all the things she never learned growing up.

A wounded soul who sacrificed her happiness to go live with her father when her parents split. leaving her with a broken heart and a childhood riddled with financial setbacks, Dara has learned to finally take control of her life and rewrite her story of loss and shame, and set out to raise her child on her own terms.

Dara is a 47 year-old restaurant industry worker and soon-to-be podcast host, now in a transition stage, turning her dreams into reality. With her knowledge and expertise, she wants to help teens and their families improve their financial literacy.

Dara is committed to helping teens learn from experts in the fields of finance, relationship building, marketing and psychology to develop...

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Episode 77: My Daughter, Nikki Johnson: Fellow Midlife Entrepreneur & Instigator Of My Late-in-Life Career Switch

This episode is by far my most favorite because I get to spend almost an hour chit-chatting with one of my most favorite people, my oldest daughter, Nikki, Johnson, who is now old enough to qualify as a midlifer!!! Shocking I know!

We talk about her entrepreneurial journey and how it has transformed in the past couple of years from running a multi 6 figure network marketing business to starting her own company.

She's a Certified Crystal Healer, a Reiki Level II Practitioner, a Spiritual Coach, and the founder of the High Vibe School.

Nikki's passion is evident as she talks about living authentically and helping other women, especially stressed moms to find joy in their lives by raising their vibrations and building self-confidence

She talks about her initial skepticism about the "woo" and how she began researching the science behind it which led her to a deep interest in crystals and a then desire to get certified. She draws on her extensive knowledge to teach others about them as...

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EP64: A Business Inspired By A Special Birthday Gift with Nancy Nelson

Do what you love and find your joy! This episode is a great reminder to all of us that we have no idea what will happen when we just do the things we love. And when we do, the universe responds and opportunities open up.

My guest Nancy Nelson has an inspirational story of a late in life business that fell into her lap when she wasn't even looking! It all started with her love for crafts and wanting to find a unique birthday gift for her grandson.

So she found an old kid's table at a thrift store and dressed it up with a colorful mosaic. Little did she know, that the gift, which she posted on social media, would lead to lots of compliments and a business idea, as people started to notice and appreciate her work.

To see Nancy’s work and connect with her, you can reach her through:

Website: https://www.whimsiesbyjubilee.com/
Instagram: https://instagram.com/whimsiesbyjubilee/

If you'd like to connect or reach out to ME, you can find me at:

Website: ...

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EP62: Turning A Mother’s Philosophy Of Life Into A Book with Heidi Herman

After a 30-year career in telecommunications, where she authored magazine articles, white papers, and technical assessment reports, in this week’s episode, my guest Heidi Herman turned to fiction writing full-time, as inspired by her mother’s example. She likes to call herself a second-generation life adventurer, a philosophy she learned from her exuberant Icelandic mother. Whether it's learning to fly an airplane, paragliding in Iceland, or attempting to create recipes to make vegetables tasty, Heidi believes every experience in life is to be savored.


Listen as she shared her story on how she jumped into early retirement to pursue her passion in writing fiction. Not only that, she also opened up about the impact of her father's cancer diagnosis; stage three esophageal cancer at the age of 88. He beat the odds and overcame it, which altered Heidi’s thinking to balance more 'responsible living' with 'enjoyable living' and making the best out of your life.


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EP56: A Mother’s Love Of Celebrations That Inspired A Late-in-Life Business Idea with Lisa Bader

Did you know that the things we love as a child can inform us of a future path? But often, life takes ahold of us and drives us in a different direction, only to realize much later in life, when we wake up one day feeling less than fulfilled on the chosen path. 

We fail to see a connection between our past experiences and the path we are meant to walk. And like Lisa, sometimes the universe intervenes when we get a whack on the side of the head, which in her case, was a health crisis.

It's like Oprah says: "if you don't pay attention to the whisper, it gets louder and louder and louder. I say it's like getting thumped upside the head." This "thump" gives us pause to consider the alternatives that would not have been noticed had the universe not intervened.

We often look at a health crisis as just that - a crisis - instead of an opportunity, a gift from the universe, to assess where we are in life and how we would live differently if...

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