Episode 146: A New Perspective When Youโ€˜re Having A Bad Day

In this episode I read an excerpt from Sarah Ban Breathnach's book "Simple Abundance" which has been one of the most amazing gifts I've given myself this year.

It is filled with incredible nuggets that give opportunities for new perspectives on all of the abundance that is around us and is unseen in so many of our moments. 

This one hit me in the heart AND the gut, and when that happens, I know it's something I need to share with others.

If you are reading this book as it's designed - an excerpt a day for 365 days - then you haven't come upon this one yet so I apologize for reading ahead of you BUT I thought giving this soul-stirring perspective a whole week to percolate in our thoughts would be a good thing. It's definitely one of the most powerful and jarring excerpts of the whole book.

I'd love for you to send me a DM (direct message) on social media (links are below) and let me know what you thought of this episode. Did it shift anything for you?

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Episode 144: Find Your Gifts and Get Creative

This is a subject I'm super passionate about because what I came to realize late in life is that WE ARE HERE TO USE OUR GIFTS!!! It's why we came here! So finding our gifts is the most important thing we must do in order to live from our most authentic place and serve the world in the best way possible.

And we mustn't confuse our skills with our gifts! There may be parallels but I've found my gifts are more about the actions and behavior I enjoy and not something I'd find in a job description.

Once you know your gifts, then it's time to get creative in how you can use your gifts to help others. Don't say you're not creative like I did!!! You ARE VERY creative! You just aren't accessing source for help...

The Force IS with you so get quiet, spend time in thoughtful solitude, stop the noise around you, and start listening for the signs from the universe that will guide you. Follow what FEELS GOOD even if it doesn't make sense quite yet.

Be open to the possibilities and believe in a...

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Episode 142: Weddings

I can't think of anything that makes me feel more abundant than a wedding! And I got to attend one last weekend!!!

The couple was supposed to get married last summer but had to postpone it due to the pandemic. They began dating in their freshman year of high school so they've been waiting A LOOOOONG time to become Mr. and Mrs.

I must admit I was a bit nervous to attend a large gathering but I went with the mindset that I'd socially distance but if I was in a crowd, I'd mask up which I did.

It was a black tie optional event so pretty fancy with a sit down dinner and a live band. Even though I love dancing, I steered clear of the dance floor because I couldn't imagine trying to breathe while dancing with a mask on and I certainly didn't want people panting next to me on a crowded dance floor! How times have changed!!! But I did enjoy watching the bride and groom, who are avid dancers, get crazy with their friends.

When you go to a wedding, what feels abundant to you? For me it's:


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Episode 140: A Tragic Story Of Living From A Lack Mindset

This episode is deeply personal and I've been watching it unfold for over a year and a half, since January 2020, right before the pandemic changed the world. There have been many very dark days as it has evolved - days fraught with worry and fear by people who are very important to me and I love very much as we wondered how it would play out in the end.

I'm happy to report that we now know and, although we can't go back and undo all the financial losses and hurt that have transpired, there is closure and we can now move on.

It the story of betrayal and theft, and it is very sad. It is about thousands and thousands of dollars stolen over many years from a trusted employee and friend, the kind of a story you read about in the paper then shake your head and hope it never happens to you. But it happened to my brother-in-law, one of the smartest, nicest, most kind-hearted people I know.

I thought it would be a great topic for my Abundance series as a sort of "ANTI-abundant" example and...

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Episode 138: Downtime & Being Present

In this episode I talk about my recent time off to be with my kids and grandkids and the abundance I found by unplugging and being present.

As a person who loves her work and tends to be a bit obsessed about it (as my husband will confirm!), it's hard to put away my computer for days at a time, but I was super successful at doing that and it was AWESOME!!! I highly recommend it!

And the best part is that I think they want to come back. It's always the best complement when your guests, no matter how big or small, have such a good time they want to return.

If you like this podcast but haven't yet given us a 5-star rating or a review, please do! It will help increase the visibility of this podcast so that others will see it!!! #activatingabundance #notyouraveragelivespodcast

If you'd like to connect or reach out to ME, you can find me at:

Website: www.notyouraveragegrandma.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/LaurieColvinWright

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Episode 135: Reframing Death

This episode was inspired by a friend's memorial service that I attended this past weekend and the insights I received as I looked for abundance in his passing.

I share the book he lived by and the powerful "paddle out" ceremony that I got to witness, as well as a few of my beliefs about death and some resources that have helped me get over my fear of death and see it in a totally different light than I used to.

Books I referred to in the episode are:

"The Seven Spirtual Laws of Success: A Pocket Guide to Fulfilling Your Dreams" by Deepak Chopra: https://amzn.to/3eQdmfD

"Journal of Souls: Case Studies of Life Between Lives" by Michael Newton: https://amzn.to/3x6mjb2

"Beyond Ever After: A Heart-to-Heart Journey Through Death and the Afterlife" by Catherine Weissenberg and Jocelyn Montanaro https://amzn.to/3iCFxQh

My interview with Catherine and Jocelyn can be found here: ...

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Episode 133: Don't Say Don't!

This episode was inspired, as you'll learn, by a day spent with a bunch of little people and an incident I witnessed that was a perfect example of one of the rules of the subconscious mind.

I knew about this rule and I explain it to my students, but I never really thought about its impact on the words we say to our kids (and grandkids) when we play the role of protector. It was a real AHA moment for me.

First of all, I love being around my grandchildren! And this past weekend was the 3rd birthday of one of my grandsons so I got to meet and spend time with some of his little friends.

I always feel so abundant when I am in the presence of my grandchildren, and this week as I was reflecting on that day, it dawned on me that I feel that way because children are pure abundance...

The majority of kids see the world as limitless and full of opportunity before the world gets a hold of their brain and programs it with limiting beliefs. In fact, it made me so happy to just sit back and watch...

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Episode 131: When Plan A Is Derailed

Today I talk about the importance of "redeeming the day" with simple pleasures when your plan goes by the wayside.

An excerpt from the "Simple Abundance" book inspired me to look at how a recent day of mine, that was not going well, caused me to derail my Plan A to improve my mood. Even though my day was not derailed by someone else, like the example she shared that happened to her, I had the same experience of needing to alter my plan and redeem my day.

So I found the parallels with her experience and mine and shared them in this episode.

I created a Plan B, as she suggests, and switched my focus to the present moment instead of the future - which is what my Plan A was all about - and that improved my mood and got me back to my happy place.

So how are you going to react the next time your Plan A is derailed? Or maybe you'll find, as I did, that your Plan A is derailing you and leaving you in a less-than-happy (and abundant) state. What actions will you take to get present and...

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Episode 129: The Boomerang Effect

Today I share an example of how quickly the gift of abundance is returned when you are on the giving end. 

Yesterday I stepped into the abundance of TIME and gifted my husband with some of mine, which I don't do enough of - especially in the middle of my very busy work day.

But I had a spontaneous urge to ride with him to a property to pick up one of his real estate signs. Nothing romantic or exciting, just placing my time and attention on him by being his company and doing the driving so he didn't have to.

I decided to make a quick stop on our way back at a cute little country store I love and hadn't visited since before the pandemic. (I promise, it was not a part of my plan until we were almost to our destination!) And what I got from that very quick visit not only made my day but provided me with this valuable lesson to share with you! 

I desired a zucchini and one was handed over as a gift! Yep! A store GAVE ME an item and didn't charge me!!! When was the last time...

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Episode 127: Secret Anniversaries of the Heart

Today's episode was inspired by the June 16th excerpt in the book "Simple Abundance" by Sarah Ban Breathnach. It hit a chord with me and when something does that, I want to share it.

Did you know that June is the month of secret anniversaries of the heart?

And do you even know what secret anniversaries of the heart are? I didn't.

But once Sarah explained it, boy did some past memories come up, good and sad. 

There are sooooo many amazing quotes in this 3 page excerpt, many of which I share on this episode.

So listen and let those secret anniversaries of your heart come through because they need to...

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If you'd like to connect or reach out to ME, you can find me at:

Website: www.notyouraveragegrandma.com

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