Not Your Average Lives Podcast

Episode 326: When Your Gut Says “Move to France” And You Go, with Luisa

abundance career mindset May 09, 2023

Today's guest is Luisa, a Global Passion Ambassador and intuitive coach. Luisa has a unique ability to connect with souls and see into future memories, which has helped her clients to finally live a life of meaning, purpose, and passion.

In this episode, Luisa and I talked about:

  • How her intuition led her to take the bold step of relocating to France.
  • What ignited her passion for exploring the realms of intuition, purpose, and freedom that led to the creation of The Passion Harvest.
  • Her repetitive dream and the eye-opening revelation that came out from it
  • Her unique perspective on what intuition means to her, and how she uses it to help her clients.

Luisa's knowledge and personal experiences offer a powerful reminder that passion and purpose are always within reach and that obstacles are opportunities for growth and self-discovery. Learn how her decision to trust her intuition led to new opportunities and a deeper sense of purpose.


Other ways to find and connect with Luisa...

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Episode 301: Fully Living From a Place of Passion & Purpose, With Kim Diede and Gail Johnson

abundance mindset Feb 08, 2023

Today I'm chatting with two more of my amazing students, Kim Diede and Gail Johnson, who each share how stepping into their most authentic selves to live from a place of deep purpose has changed their lives. They are both doing incredible things and making an impact in the world by doing what they love. 

Kim, is a mom of 3 and a grandma of 1, who worked in banking at a job that was clearly not what she was brought here to do. You can hear her entire back story in Episode 7 when I first interviewed her on my podcast and before she ever entered The Second Half SPARK School.

She shares how working with me gave her a new perspective about how her fear of the unknown - even though she had discovered her purpose and it was lighting her up - was keeping her trapped in a job and depriving the world of the books she hadn't yet written. 

Gail, who is a medium, was denying her real gifts too. She didn't think she had what it took to do what she really wanted to do. But...

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Episode 300: Finding Transformation Within a New Sisterhood, With Fred Wagner and Christine Carter

abundance mindset Feb 07, 2023

Today I'm chatting with two more incredible sparked souls, just like I did in yesterday's episode. My guests are Fredrica Wagner and Christine Carter who join me to talk about what prompted them to sign up for The Second Half SPARK School and what they learned about themselves by committing to make living a sparked second half their #1 priority. 

Fredrica Wagner, who I call Fred, is a mom of 2 grown children and a grandmother. She talks about how desperate she was for help, admitting she was in a deep dark place. But instead of staying there, stuck in inaction, she saw an ad for my free training, jumped in, and participated fully. And when it was over, she made the smart decision to invest in the deeper work we do inside the school!

Christine Carter was struggling too, with 2 jobs and strained relationships with her adult children. But what impressed me so much about Christine, is that she didn't let her very busy life keep her from participating in my free training. And...

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Episode 291: My 8 Biggest Lessons of 2022 (And there are some doozies!)

abundance mindset Jan 04, 2023

Today I’m sharing my 8 most significant lessons of 2022 after reflecting on the last 12 months! If you’re a regular listener of this podcast, you may recognize a few because I regularly share my lessons during the course of the year as they unfold.

Here I’ll give you a quick snippet of each lesson, just to tease you and make you curious enough to tune in:

  1. My purpose
  2. My new job
  3. Validation from universe
  4. Connecting with the dead
  5. Self-discovery tools
  6. Health strategies
  7. Subconsious memories
  8. Doing less is better

I’d love to know which of these lessons resonated most or inspired you in some way. Reach out to me via email or direct message on social media and let me know!

Also, if you enjoyed this episode, please leave a review and subscribe to (or follow) the podcast (if you haven't already) so you don't miss any new episodes.


If you'd like to connect or reach out to ME, you can find me at:

Email: [email protected]
Website: ...

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Episode 272: Dare To Dream At Midlife and Beyond, with Jodi Silverman

abundance career mindset Oct 31, 2022

This week’s interview is with Jodi Silverman who helps women at midlife transition and rediscover who they are, outside of a mom, daughter, and partner. As a speaker and coach, Jodi provides community, tools, and strategies to help women find passion, purpose and true happiness so they can begin living their most daring life now.

Jodi’s life journey is nothing short of evolution. She went from print sales to life coach, speaker and community builder and she wants other women who are approaching this chapter to know that they are not too old or too late to be who they are meant to be.

In this episode, Jodi and I talked about:

  • How she found her voice as she was transitioning to her empty nest phase and gained new purpose.
  • A speech she heard that changed the trajectory of her life.
  • What the word ‘dare’ means to her and why she’s included it in the branding of her business.
  • Her upcoming free virtual event - what it’s about and an invitation to...
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Episode 257: When Life’s Challenges Lead You to a New Purpose With Theresa Lease

This week’s interview is with Theresa Lease who is a Life Coach and Breathwork specialist. Theresa specializes in helping women find their way after life has fallen apart from divorce, illness, career changes, or other life shifting events. 

Theresa began life on a farm in Nebraska. After college, she started working for BNSF Railroad. Her job took her to Chicago, Illinois, where she met her husband. After having two children and moving all over the Midwest, her marriage came to an end, and Theresa's life began again as a single mom in Minnesota. Although she worked many jobs, she finally found her passion later in life with life coaching and breathwork.

In this episode, Theresa and I talked about:

  • Her personal story and how she came to her life pivot in her late 40s.
  • How she learned about life coaching and made the decision to dive into it.
  • How she discovered breathwork, why she believes it’s such a great tool, and the science behind it.


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Episode 228: What Does It Mean To Ignite Your Soul With Laurie Wright

abundance mindset May 29, 2022

Today I have no guest interview because I have an important topic I want to talk about - what it means to be ignited. It’s top of mind because I have a free training on this very subject coming up in a week, and it might just be the right next step for anyone who listens to this episode and feels unignited.

  • the definition of ignited
  • real life examples of what it feels like when you aren’t ignited
  • what I’ve learned about the subject 
  • what to know if you’re feeling unignited 

Why is it that so many of us feel guilty for wanting more?  There is nothing wrong with wanting more and wanting to feel more excitement in your life. It’s time to make getting that internal wick lit your #1 priority!

If you’d like to review the words I shared on the episode, I’ve included them here as follows:

Anxious, Average, Ambivalent, Annoyed, Apathetic, Ambiguous, Bored, Beaten, Blah, Behind, Busy, Burned Out, Challenged, Confused Chaotic,...

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Episode 226: Pivoting into Deeper Purpose In Your Second Half with Jen Rigley

abundance career May 22, 2022

This week’s guest is Jen Rigley, a former Marketing & Sales Executive who has perfected the art of the pivot, staying positive when facing life's challenges. She is the visionary behind and founder of the Flourishing Over Fifty brand whose sole purpose is to inspire women over fifty to live the life of their dreams.

In this episode, Jen and I talked about:

  • The story behind ‘Flourishing Over Fifty’ and the realization of her later-in-life purpose
  • How she personally defines a pivot 
  • The two important pivots she’s experienced in her life
  • What to do when you’re stuck or facing a pivot

Jen is a mom to three beautiful young women, a wife, a daughter, and a sister to three women. She also does management consulting and works with both start-ups and Fortune 500 companies.

Her goal is to inspire YOU to be ready to pivot when life says it's time - whether by necessity or your intuition talking to you. And when that time comes, know that you are the...

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Episode 189: How The Second Half S.P.A.R.K. School™ Came To Be

abundance mindset Jan 30, 2022

Since today the doors are opening for the Second Half S.P.A.R.K. School™ for the first time in 8 months, I wanted to share how this one-of-a-kind program came to be and why I feel it's one of the reasons I'm here - why I believe it's one of the agreements I made when I promised my creator that I'd come here, learn new lessons, share my "gifts" with others, and leave the world a better place in doing so.

I talk about:

how I took the long and winding road to finally figure this out,

The 2 things that fast-tracked my transformation, and

the big lesson-learned that really side-tracking me for several years.

If you'd like to learn more about the Second Half S.P.A.R.K. School, you can find the details here:

Doors will be open from Monday, 1/31/22 through Thursday, 2/3/22. If you miss it this time, doors will reopen later this year so get on the waitlist to be the first notified once the doors open again.

If you'd like to hear from some of my...

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