Episode 103: Welcome To My New Abundance Series!

Welcome to Episode #1 of my new Abundance Series!!! If you're here and committed to listening every week, I'm excited to be on this abundaventure with you!!!

As I've been delving into this whole abundance thing, I've realized it's so much more than what I originally thought... which is why I felt so inspired to learn more and share it with you.

It's not just spending 2 to 3 minutes writing 3 things I'm grateful for in my "Good Days Start With Gratitude" journal. It's living in a grateful state for as many of my waking hours as possible. It's being aware of all of the good around me.

I've always felt like I'm a very positive and optimistic person, but abundance goes so much deeper than that. Those are personality traits which I think to a large degree are a part of my gene pool.

But abundance is a state of being that we all have the choice to live from, no matter what our personality traits.

And to be perfectly honest, I think my state was often one of lack, wanting what I didn't...

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Episode 102: If Your Ancestors Are Dead, How Can They Still Be Affecting You? Conversation with Cyndie Kramer

spirituality Mar 29, 2021

In this episode, my guest is Cyndie Kramer, an Ancestral Energy Healer & Coach, who empowers women in midlife to find their voice and finally start saying YES to themselves, by releasing unresolved family patterns that have been holding them back from living fully.

After over 20 years working in land use planning for local governments, Cyndie was called to follow her personal passion for ancestral exploration and use it to help other women.

Through many hours of family research, she has developed a gift for seeing each woman's life as a unique soul journey while at the same time being intricately linked to the lives of the family that came before her.

She helps women in midlife understand and transform the patterns of feminine wounding in their family history so they can finally uncover who they are, why they are here and what they want to do with the rest of their lives.

In 2020, Cyndie launched her ancestral healing and coaching practice, Ancestress Awakening.

Here are the...

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Episode 101: My 3 Tips to Mother-In-Law Mastery

family & relationships Mar 25, 2021

This is a follow up to Episode 99, so if you haven't listened to that episode about how to improve relationships, you should check it out! You don't have to watch these two episodes in chronological order, but if you find this episode helpful, you'll definitely want to hear my other valuable tips.

For this episode, I delve into the specific relationship of in-laws and particularly the relationships involving mothers-in-law and kids-in-law, meaning the relationship you have with the spouses/partners of your children.

I have great experience in this area, and in this episode, I share my worst moment as a mother-in-law, why I believe it happened and what I learned from it.

I also share 3 great tips that I think will help you if you are navigating a tense or difficult in-law relationship. They are:

  1. Let go!!!
  2. Look inward!
  3. Look for the good/positive and ditch the negative!

I know you love your child and if you are struggling with his/her spouse/partner, the best thing you can do is...

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Episode 100: Lean Out Late In Life With Intermittent Fasting with Heiki Yates

nutrition & fitness Mar 22, 2021

If you're at midlife, this is a must-listen fitness conversation with Heike Yates who empowers women 50+ to take back their health and strength for a vibrant lifestyle. Heike hosts the Pursue Your Spark podcast and has developed a 4 Week Lean Out Program called "Pursue Your Spark."

Her fitness, nutrition, and mindset programs help women 50+ to build muscles, burn fat with intermittent fasting, and prioritize their health goals to look and feel better.

In this conversation, we talked about her journey about how she got into fitness, how intermittent fasting was the solution for her once she got to midlife, and how she moved her business from the traditional style of teaching fitness in person in a gym environment to doing it online. Like most of my guests, Heiki started her online business late in life at the age of 55 and is super passionate about her purpose-driven work.

To learn more about Heiki Yates, you can connect with her at the following sites:
Website: heikeyates.com

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Episode 99: How To Improve Your Relationships: 3 Questions To Ponder

family & relationships Mar 18, 2021

In this episode, I share 3 questions that are worth pondering when it comes to your close relationships. They have really helped me in my life so I thought they were worth sharing.

If you want to improve your relationships, listen to this episode, learn about these questions and start being aware of how your actions or non-actions are contributing to the strain you may be facing in a particular relationship you have.

Question 1: What compliments are you NOT saying but are thinking? Start verbalizing these little things. They are gifts!

Question 2: What are you expecting in return when you do something for someone? Are there strings attached? What about letting go of those expectations?

Question 3: What message are you sending non-verbally that they could be interpreting negatively? What would you look like if you had a mirror on you?

I'd love to hear what happens to your relationships once you start applying the simple tactics behind these questions so check back in and let me...

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Episode 98: The Fearless Family Who Gave Up Everything For The Italian Life with Lisa & Sam Chiodo (Part 2)

This is the Part 2 of my fun conversation with Lisa and Sam Chiodo. In this segment, we talk all about Italy and I was excited to share some of my memories of a 2012 trip to Tuscany with my husband, 2 globe-trotting friends, and my recently engaged daughter and her fiance. I must say, this was a fantastic trip down the memory lane!

If you missed Part 1, check it out here.

In this second segment, it was interesting to learn more about how the couple uprooted their family and immersed themselves in a very different environment where there were massive cultural and language differences.

It gives us the sense that, although we come from different places and speak different languages, we are all so similar and connected. And it also made me realize that when we hear of stories like Lisa's and Sam's, it inspires us to explore different people and cultures more. I'm not sure about you, but I'm ready for another Italian adventure!!!

If you'd like to check out the paid workshop we talked...

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Episode 97: The Fearless Family Who Gave Up Everything For The Italian Life with Lisa & Sam Chiodo (Part 1)

What a fun episode!!! I got to chat with Lisa Chiodo and although totally unplanned and unexpected, her husband popped in and joined our conversation. That's what happens when you see people having fun - you want to join in!!!

Although Lisa had visited Italy in her younger years before marriage and had even had a little internal nudging that she wanted to live there, it wasn't until she and her husband were at a seminar, and the speaker asked the audience what they really wanted to do with their life, that the idea took shape.

When that question came, they both leaned forward at the same time looking at each other and said "ITALY!" Then they went home, had the Australian equivalent of what we call a garage sale in the U.S. and sold all of their belongings, packed their clothes and their 2 young children, ages 1 and 3, and moved to Italy - for the first time.

At age 41, Lisa, along with her husband Sam and their children, uprooted their life and moved to a brand new country, without a...

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Episode 96: You're Never Too Old To Tap Into A Bigger Vision Of Your Future with Melanie Moore

mindset Mar 01, 2021

Melanie Moore is the UK’s leading Vision Board expert and award winning coach. She teaches her clients how to tap into their Big Vision and gives them the mindset tools to change the trajectory of their lives. She helps people at various crossroads in their lives to get clear on their Big Vision, then commit to that vision by taking bold action towards their goals and creating their dream life.

She is the host of Big Vision TV and the creator of Transformational Neural Technique - a unique process that clears the past which then clears the path so that lasting transformation can happen. Melanie is on a mission to help millions of people to dream bigger, think bigger and act bigger.

Melanie believes as women we find ourselves at many crossroads in our lives, like when we become mothers, when our kids start school, and when they head off to college. She found herself at a crossroads when her marriage ended and although it was a tough time, many amazing opportunities unfolded...

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Episode 95: 5 Ways You Could Be Doing Affirmations Wrong

mindset Feb 26, 2021

I was one of those people who did affirmations every day but I never knew that, while they made me feel good, they weren't really effective in changing the way I thought... until I was trained in the neuroscience behind how our brains work and discovered these 5 tricks that would CHANGE EVERYTHING!!!

So here's the deal.... I don't want you to waste your time doing "feel good" affirmations that aren't effective. I mean, if you're already spending the time listening or writing them every day, then heck, don't you want to make that time investment as effective as possible.

Affirmations that aren't addressing these five mistakes are like the fad diet you go on to lose weight. You might get a temporary "feel good" fix that fools you into thinking the changes are permanent but very soon, everything reverts back to where you were before you started.

And I don't want that for you!

So here are my tips written down but be sure to listen to this episode for the examples because examples are...

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Episode 94: When The Time Is Right, You'll Find It: Her Answer Was In A Saved Email with Debra Johnstone

career Feb 22, 2021

My latest guest, Debra Johnstone, shares two major midlife transformations on today's episode that I'm sure will inspire you.

Debra was 49 when a calling that she could no longer deny, led her to making a major career change. This calling was a nudge she had had earlier in her life but which she suppressed for all of the same reasons many of us ignore whispers we get from the universe: it's SCARY and we don't know where to begin! 

But as she neared her 50th birthday, the whisper became too loud to ignore! So she took the first step to begin her research about coaching. And surprise!!! An old email that she had saved had everything she needed to take her next step.

As a result of that first step, Debra has creating a successful coaching business called "Transformational Pathways Australia" and created her signature program "Mindset 4 Business Success" along with her signature product called "Your Success Planner."

She speaks on stage and has been providing transformational...

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